Amateur Engineering

In the vast, unfathomable depths of the spam-filled internet, a sanctuary floats. It's a sanctuary for those who tinker in their sheds, garages, and occasionally living rooms (much to the dismay of cohabitants), transforming the mundane into the slightly less mundane.

Here, the noble pursuits of gluing fingers to objects other than themselves, programming devices to do things their manufacturers expressly advised against, and turning household appliances into potential fire hazards are not just hobbies; they're a way of life.

Amidst a sea of professional engineering sites with their polished prototypes and safety warnings, Amateur Engineering stands as a testament to human creativity... and stubbornness. Users can contribute their own projects, each a labor of love and occasional frustration documented in blog pages that serve as both a how-to and a how-not-to. The site will also feature hobby-wide news, ensuring that all are kept abreast of the latest advancements in duct tape technology and tutorials that range from the enlightening to the downright hazardous.

It's a community where the term "engineering" is applied loosely, and the phrase "That's not supposed to happen" is considered a challenge rather than a warning.

Coming Soon™